The agricultural industry is critical to many facets of American consumption. People around the country work diligently to provide Americans with the goods they need to survive and thrive — everything from food, clothing, and shelter.
To gain a better perspective on how vital agricultural is to our country, here are some surprising statistics about livestock, produce and other historical facts about America’s heartland that will astonish you.
— Corn is the primary feed grain in the United States, accounting for over 90 million acres of farmland each year. But did you know that during World War II, a shortage in production of baking flour led breadmakers to substitute ground popped popcorn down to a cornmeal consistency to use as an ingredient in wheat bread? In the same period, sugar was rationed, and the production of candy also screeched to a halt, so Americans compensated by eating three times as much popcorn in the early 1940s as they did before.
— Did you know that a hive of honeybees will travel around the world twice to produce one pound of honey? They’re also quick creatures, too, reaching up to 15 miles per hour. These speed and distance capabilities give them the power to pollinate up to 10,000 flowers in a single day. Also, make sure to leave bees be, as they are endangered species. Stress, pesticides, viruses and other factors are contributing to their decline, and as a species, they are pivotal to healthy fruits and vegetables.
— Cows make up a huge chunk of American livestock. Despite spending up to 8 hours a day grazing and resting, they yield quite a bit of produce. A female dairy cow can produce on average 22.5 quarts of milk per day. Steers, their male counterparts, are equally as productive. One steer can actually yield enough meat to feed a family of four hamburgers for up to six months. Udder-ly amazing!
And those are just a few examples. Remember next time when driving through the countryside how important farming really is, and how precious all facets of agriculture are.
Milmar Pole Buildings constructs post-frame structures for residential, commercial and agricultural purposes. Please contact us for a free consultation when thinking about building a pole barn on your property.