3 Reasons to Consider Post Framing - Image

Most homeowners aren’t familiar with post framing. Those who are, may distrust it as a less reliable form of construction that will lead to repair needs, drafts, and insect problems. In reality, studies and construction experience have shown post framing is one of the best construction options available. Today, we’ll examine the reasons to consider post framing rather than traditional construction methods and how you can apply it to your own buildings.


Post framing is less expensive than other construction options. Post or pole buildings are exactly what they sound like: buildings mounted on posts, sometimes with open walls or sides. The building requirements vary by state, but most pole buildings require posts to be set into the ground at least 4 feet apart. Once that’s done, you can begin building without waiting for concrete to be poured and set. You also don’t have to worry about block wall footers, potentially saving you thousands of dollars.

Since most pole buildings have metal siding, most of the wall material will be less expensive as well. Metal siding won’t crack, chip, or tear as easily as other materials, reducing repair needs down the line. Additionally, metal roofs and sidings detract insects and are easier to clean.

Untitled design (8)Environmentally Friendly

These days, everyone wants to be as environmentally conscious as possible. Pole buildings make that possible without financial blowback or long searches for green materials. Our metal siding and roofs carry a 40-year warranty, and our treated wood posts are guaranteed to last 40-60 years, which is at least as long as traditional wood walls. This lifespan means you won’t waste materials on replacements.

Metal is also a better material for homeowners who use alternate energy sources. It’s a great conductor for solar energy and provides its own insulation. Even though a pole building’s sides are usually open, it will stay warm in winter and cool in summer without the need for fans or wasted electricity.

Practical Applications

You may be wondering where and how to use a pole building. One of the most well-known applications for post framing is for barns. Several states, as far north as Ohio and Michigan, have specific construction requirements and companies for pole barns. Pole barns use fewer materials than traditional barns and are guaranteed to keep your livestock comfortable. The open siding also makes it easier to dispose of waste and store barn tools and accoutrements.

Pole buildings are also useful as open markets or even as part of your home. The open air encourages customers to linger at your business and perhaps purchase more items. If you use pole construction for an attic or basement, storage will be easier. You may actually find it’s easier to resist clutter because of the open-air environment.

Our friends at Perma-Column have great additional features and details on their website. For more information, be sure to contact us at MilMar Post Buildings.